Member-only story
8 Bad Habits I Am Giving Up In 2019
and you should too…
What an year it has been! I was able to completely achieve half the things I put on my list while partially making progress on the others.
I started a blog — managed to post consistently.
I was able to hit the gym more than 200 times this year. I started playing football again regularly.
I completely paid off my credit cards.
BUT at the same time, I failed to
Reduce my body fat percentage to 15%.
Volunteer 5 times this year. I was only able to do 3 times
Learn Spanish enough to have a conversation. Gave up after the first 3 months.
Create an emergency fund that can last me 6 months. No where close to this
Sleep for 2500 hours this year. I wasn’t very good at tracking this but for the few months I did, my weekly average was somewhere between 4–5 hours a day.
I failed a lot but I also learned a lot and I intend to continue doing both in 2019 as well. However, there are also things that I want to stop doing and that list looks something like this