Holy shit! So much to be thankful about…

Tuseet Jha
3 min readDec 1, 2018


Brown Wooden Board. Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

’Tis the season to be giving gratitude.

I know your first reaction is gratitude for what? The polluted air? Or the garbage strewn around? Or the crazy traffic?

Well, scientifically speaking, Research in the past have indicated that gratitude can have lasting effects as it was found to improve the immune system, lower blood pressure and assist in more efficient sleep.

More recent studies, confirm the same.

When I first got my hands on a copy of the Secret, I read it and dismissed it as hogwash. For someone who is very pragmatic, the advice of that type was hard to digest.

I mean sitting down and counting my blessings? Get a life….

Law of attraction? Bullshit!

Gratitude as the universal law? Yeah right.

The truth is, I took so many things for granted. Subconsciously, I always wanted more. I was never happy or satisfied. Everything in my life was not where I wanted it to be.

I wasn’t getting along with my parents

No room to grow when it came to my job

I was also diagnosed to be pre-diabetic.

It took moving back to India and numerous examples of gratitude in personal development books for me to start practicing it.

You see, even then, I found it hard to buy in. It took a lot of reading and researching to finally cross the mental barrier.

That is when the magic really began to unfold. The more I was thankful for, the more I found things that I needed to be thankful about. The more I looked around, the easier it became to spot things to be thankful for.

The list starts now. Also, I am pretty sure I have forgotten tons of other things that I could have listed. I want to warn you that it is a big list! So you can choose to stop here if you like. If not, then read on…

  1. Your parents
  2. Your friends
  3. Your cousins
  4. Your significant other
  5. Your health
  6. Your eyesight
  7. Your feet
  8. Your heart
  9. Your brain
  10. Your degree
  11. Your privilege
  12. All the gifts you have received and continue to receive
  13. All the money you have made and continue to make.
  14. All the opportunities that have come your way and continue to come.
  15. Having a roof over your head.
  16. Refrigerator
  17. Washing Machine
  18. Toilet Paper
  19. Tissue Paper
  20. Drinking water
  21. Food
  22. Electricity
  23. Internet
  24. The laptop, tablet or mobile that you are reading this on
  25. Earphones
  26. Your job or business
  27. Lock and keys
  28. Doors and windows
  29. The sun and the moon
  30. Medicines
  31. Supplements
  32. Doctors
  33. Coaches
  34. Personal Trainers
  35. Gym
  36. Playground
  37. Restaurants
  38. NGOs
  39. Cable television. Netflix. HBO etc. etc.
  40. Apps
  41. Cab Aggregators
  42. Hotel Aggregators
  43. Trees
  44. Dogs
  45. Cats
  46. Memes
  47. Cutlery
  48. Water bottles
  49. Umbrella
  50. Shoes
  51. Pen/Pencil
  52. Fire
  53. Aeroplanes
  54. Cars
  55. Motorbikes
  56. Metro
  57. Mail services like FedEx or the postal service
  58. Social Media
  59. Books
  60. Garbage Disposal
  61. Rainwater Harvesting
  62. Tea/Coffee
  63. Fruits and vegetables
  64. Farmers
  65. Movies
  66. Music
  67. Mouthwash
  68. Toothbrush and toothpaste
  69. Printer
  70. Scanner
  71. Router
  72. Wallet
  73. Charger
  74. Post It notes
  75. Plain paper
  76. Art
  77. Broom
  78. Your cook or maid or domestic help
  79. The security guard sitting outside your building
  80. Ice-cream
  81. Sweets
  82. Chocolate
  83. Floss
  84. Credit Card
  85. ATMs
  86. Online Banking
  87. E-commerce
  88. Camera
  89. Swimming pools
  90. Air purifier
  91. Pollution masks
  92. Contact Lenses
  93. Spectacles or glasses
  94. Colors
  95. Flowers
  96. Chairs
  97. Tables
  98. Belt
  99. Safety Pin
  100. Air conditioner
  101. Fans
  102. Socks
  103. Hairbrush
  104. Barbers
  105. Tailors
  106. Alcohol
  107. Mixer/Grinder
  108. Microwave
  109. Pillows
  110. Mattresses and comforters
  111. Jackets and coats
  112. Portable hard drives
  113. Bluetooth technology
  114. Caps and hats
  115. Sunscreen
  116. Games
  117. Stories
  118. Sports
  119. Containers. Big, Small, Round, square, Tupperware.
  120. Soap
  121. Detergent
  122. Scissors
  123. Nail cutter
  124. Tape of all sorts
  125. Ropes of all kinds
  126. Suitcases
  127. Backpacks
  128. Towels
  129. Bed-sheets
  130. Pillows
  131. Bed
  132. Trains
  133. Cutting board
  134. Cupboard
  135. Bookshelves
  136. Your hands
  137. Hot Chocolate
  138. Curtains
  139. Metals
  140. Currencies
  141. Calendar
  142. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Google Docs and any other productivity software
  143. Birth control and other contraceptives
  144. Accountants
  145. Pilots
  146. Police
  147. Army
  148. Navy
  149. Government
  150. Rules and laws
  151. Paper clip
  152. Plants
  153. Color books
  154. Dishwashers
  155. Cartoons
  156. Treadmill
  157. Weights
  158. Mirror
  159. Washbasin
  160. Shower
  161. Gas
  162. Stove
  163. Wine
  164. Beauty Products
  165. Makeup
  166. Toys
  167. Fabric
  168. Clothes
  169. Road
  170. Sugar
  171. Rain

What are you thankful for today?



Tuseet Jha
Tuseet Jha

Written by Tuseet Jha

I write about Happiness, Productivity and Minimalism | https://tuseetjha.com. | I write a weekly newsletter on Happiness: https://bit.ly/32Y6qY7

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