Holy shit! So much to be thankful about…
’Tis the season to be giving gratitude.
I know your first reaction is gratitude for what? The polluted air? Or the garbage strewn around? Or the crazy traffic?
Well, scientifically speaking, Research in the past have indicated that gratitude can have lasting effects as it was found to improve the immune system, lower blood pressure and assist in more efficient sleep.
More recent studies, confirm the same.
When I first got my hands on a copy of the Secret, I read it and dismissed it as hogwash. For someone who is very pragmatic, the advice of that type was hard to digest.
I mean sitting down and counting my blessings? Get a life….
Law of attraction? Bullshit!
Gratitude as the universal law? Yeah right.
The truth is, I took so many things for granted. Subconsciously, I always wanted more. I was never happy or satisfied. Everything in my life was not where I wanted it to be.
I wasn’t getting along with my parents
No room to grow when it came to my job
I was also diagnosed to be pre-diabetic.
It took moving back to India and numerous examples of gratitude in personal development books for me to start practicing it.
You see, even then, I found it hard to buy in. It took a lot of reading and researching to finally cross the mental barrier.
That is when the magic really began to unfold. The more I was thankful for, the more I found things that I needed to be thankful about. The more I looked around, the easier it became to spot things to be thankful for.
The list starts now. Also, I am pretty sure I have forgotten tons of other things that I could have listed. I want to warn you that it is a big list! So you can choose to stop here if you like. If not, then read on…
- Your parents
- Your friends
- Your cousins
- Your significant other
- Your health
- Your eyesight
- Your feet
- Your heart
- Your brain
- Your degree
- Your privilege
- All the gifts you have received and continue to receive
- All the money you have made and continue to make.
- All the opportunities that have come your way and continue to come.
- Having a roof over your head.
- Refrigerator
- Washing Machine
- Toilet Paper
- Tissue Paper
- Drinking water
- Food
- Electricity
- Internet
- The laptop, tablet or mobile that you are reading this on
- Earphones
- Your job or business
- Lock and keys
- Doors and windows
- The sun and the moon
- Medicines
- Supplements
- Doctors
- Coaches
- Personal Trainers
- Gym
- Playground
- Restaurants
- NGOs
- Cable television. Netflix. HBO etc. etc.
- Apps
- Cab Aggregators
- Hotel Aggregators
- Trees
- Dogs
- Cats
- Memes
- Cutlery
- Water bottles
- Umbrella
- Shoes
- Pen/Pencil
- Fire
- Aeroplanes
- Cars
- Motorbikes
- Metro
- Mail services like FedEx or the postal service
- Social Media
- Books
- Garbage Disposal
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Tea/Coffee
- Fruits and vegetables
- Farmers
- Movies
- Music
- Mouthwash
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Printer
- Scanner
- Router
- Wallet
- Charger
- Post It notes
- Plain paper
- Art
- Broom
- Your cook or maid or domestic help
- The security guard sitting outside your building
- Ice-cream
- Sweets
- Chocolate
- Floss
- Credit Card
- ATMs
- Online Banking
- E-commerce
- Camera
- Swimming pools
- Air purifier
- Pollution masks
- Contact Lenses
- Spectacles or glasses
- Colors
- Flowers
- Chairs
- Tables
- Belt
- Safety Pin
- Air conditioner
- Fans
- Socks
- Hairbrush
- Barbers
- Tailors
- Alcohol
- Mixer/Grinder
- Microwave
- Pillows
- Mattresses and comforters
- Jackets and coats
- Portable hard drives
- Bluetooth technology
- Caps and hats
- Sunscreen
- Games
- Stories
- Sports
- Containers. Big, Small, Round, square, Tupperware.
- Soap
- Detergent
- Scissors
- Nail cutter
- Tape of all sorts
- Ropes of all kinds
- Suitcases
- Backpacks
- Towels
- Bed-sheets
- Pillows
- Bed
- Trains
- Cutting board
- Cupboard
- Bookshelves
- Your hands
- Hot Chocolate
- Curtains
- Metals
- Currencies
- Calendar
- Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Google Docs and any other productivity software
- Birth control and other contraceptives
- Accountants
- Pilots
- Police
- Army
- Navy
- Government
- Rules and laws
- Paper clip
- Plants
- Color books
- Dishwashers
- Cartoons
- Treadmill
- Weights
- Mirror
- Washbasin
- Shower
- Gas
- Stove
- Wine
- Beauty Products
- Makeup
- Toys
- Fabric
- Clothes
- Road
- Sugar
- Rain