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You Think You Are Safe From The Imposter?
4 Ways to fight the imposter within you.
You and I both have this friend that likes to come bother us from time to time. Outsiders call it the imposter but we both know it is more.
It is a friend that nudges us in the best way it knows how to. It is like a coach who never appreciates when we do something good but continues to question our abilities when we slip.
Imposter syndrome is real and we all live with it on a daily basis. It only needs a sliver of opening to protrude its head up and question us. It will remind you, every time you are taking a break you don’t deserve it.
Every night you are out with friends, it will keep whispering in your ear, telling you that you need to work on honing your skills. Every setback will give the imposter in you an opportunity to unleash itself.
Every time I take a break or due to some circumstances, am not able to write for days at a stretch, the imposter inside of me comes out to make me feel guilty. It is also very persistent and refuses to go away, until I get back to writing again.
Here is how I fight it:
Read My Own Articles
Especially the ones with got good engagement. Writing more than 75 articles is no joke. It…