The Joys of Missing Out!
I can truly say the last few months have been such a whirlwind. This is because I’ve traveled to many places, in a short span of time! Mainly because of the weddings taking place simultaneously in my circle of close friends and family.This was no easy feat and has left me exhausted.
I love travelling, but if you ask me today to pack my bags and come on a new adventure, my response will be to check with me after 2 months!
This is precisely what led me to think about the JOMO AKA Joys of Missing Out.
When was the last time you went one day without checking your phone? Maybe 12 hours? 6? 3?
Ever walked into a store that had 70% off and you didn’t want to miss out on it, despite having everything you need because let’s be honest, what if they never had a sale like that again?
How about that very famous circus that’s in town you feel like you have to go, despite you being sick,because you only live once (YOLO as the millennials call it), right?
FOMO (again, as the millennials call it) or Fear of Missing Out is real and we all experience it on a daily basis but have you ever heard about or experienced JOMO or The Joy of Missing Out?
Were you ever glad that you didn’t go to your favorite artist’s concert despite everyone around you going?
Were you glad that you decided to stay home and catch up on sleep instead or connect with family?
I struggle to say no, both professionally and personally. This often puts me in stressful and unwanted situations, when actually all I am looking for is some alone time.
By alone time, I mean time to enjoy things that truly bring joy to me. That, in essence, is what JOMO is all about. Missing out gives me the opportunity to become more self-aware. Being mindful of what I am not doing enhances my awareness about what I am actively choosing to do. It allows me to look inside and learn from within, preparing me for the next time I do one of those personality tests at work or online.
It is not easy to say no. In fact, it can be a stressful thing, which is why most people would rather not pick up your call or respond to your messages or make up an excuse to not join when all they want to do is spend time alone, doing things that bring them joy. Next time you call someone and coerce them to join you, think about this: Would you rather they join and be unhappy, when not joining would bring joy to that person? Would you rather bring more frustrations to their life or be the source of happiness for them?
Peer pressure plays a big role in our fear of missing out and the rise of Social Media has only exacerbated it. FOMO is nothing but a product of capitalism! Look around you. It would not take you long to see advertisements all around that might read ‘Once in a lifetime opportunity’ or ‘Everybody is going crazy about this new [insert product here]’ or ‘Offer valid until 31st December’. This is why saying no can be empowering. It enables you to take back control. To not let others manipulate you into doing things you don’t want to do. On any given day, there are various ‘Not to miss out on’ events going on around you but do you know what else is a “not to miss out on” opportunity that happens once in a lifetime? — LIVING!
So why not live YOUR version and not someone else’s.
This post was first published on my blog. If you like this and want more, follow my blog.