Member-only story
Why you should stop dreaming big!
Everybody dreams. I am myself a dreamer and a big one at that! It is very easy for me to dream big, to think of the most ridiculous things and experiences that I would like to have. The reality however, is that as easy it is to dream, the harder it is to achieve that dream. Achieving dreams is easier if you Dream Right instead of Dreaming Big!
What does dreaming right exactly mean?
Dreaming right is having dreams that are in alignment to your priorities
This means having relevant dreams at relevant times. Any sane person would agree that with changing times, our dreams change. What I might dream of as a 22 year old is completely different from what my dream will be when I turn 32. At 22, my dream might be to backpack Europe while at 32, it could very well be to own a house. Both relevant and both big in their own ways.
Dreaming right means living life on your own terms and at your own pace rather than living the one that others expect out of you
Most people dream of becoming billionaires. It is OKAY to not be most people.
The number one regret for most people on their deathbed is that they wished that they had the courage to live the life they wanted and not the life that others expected out of them. You will find a lot of books, blog posts and articles…